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A lot has been written (by us and by others) about the transformative power of video conferencing solutions in the classroom environment. Much of this writing has been focused on students, and that’s probably a good thing--the impact of technology on learners should be the first thing we think about when we think about implementing new solutions in schools. If a conferencing and collaboration solution doesn’t help a child learn, what good is it?

But AV solutions should also make a difference in the lives of educators. In the end, education is a collaborative experience. The teacher and the student are bound up in an ongoing conversation, a continuous exchange of information that has the potential to enrich the life of the educator as much as it improves the academic prospects of the learner.

An efficient and happy teacher will be a more effective communicator, a more compassionate mentor. So let’s look at a few of the ways video conferencing and collaboration solutions can make the work of teaching more rewarding and manageable for the saintly folks who have made it a mission to see that kids make it into adulthood with the tools they need to succeed.

Meet With Colleagues and Supervisors

The primary work of any educator will take place in a classroom environment (whether virtual or physical), but ask any teacher and they’ll tell you: meetings with fellow teachers and principals and administrators are a big part of their jobs. As in the world of private business, video conferencing solutions give teachers and their colleagues the freedom to meet any time, from anywhere.

Lecture More Effectively

With an all-in-one collaboration solution like Prime Call Cloud MeetMe , teachers can transform their AV displays into digital whiteboards and turn lectures into multimedia presentations that can then be shared with any students who aren’t in class that day. It’s a perfect example of a tech innovation that benefits everyone: the teacher who can more efficiently communicate information, the on-site students who are more readily engaged by the content and the distant students who need not fall behind just because they aren’t in a classroom.

Keep Office Hours

It’s important for teachers to make time for students during non-classroom hours. Such one-on-one meetings are especially vital for students who are struggling. But students can’t always stay late after school. And teachers shouldn’t be expected to wait around in an empty classroom if no one is going to show up for office hours. A video solution is ideal--a student and teacher can schedule a video conference for a time that is convenient for both of them. Such flexible and focused time together can make a huge difference for students who need a little extra help.

Learn more about our educational solutions and contact us if you have any questions. We will have one of our experts get back to you shortly. If there’s something else you’re looking for, please use our Advanced Search tool to find it. As always, keep an eye on our blog for weekly updates from the ever-changing world of video conferencing and collaboration solutions.

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