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Remote workers tend to be self-starters who cherish independence, but that doesn’t mean they should be left entirely to their own devices. They need support. They need guidance. They need understanding. Here is how you can start giving your remote teams those things.

Implement Versatile Collaboration Solutions

This first one is a no-brainer. Your remote employees need regular and reliable access to a video collaboration solution that keeps them in contact with everyone at the office as well as their fellow remote workers. They will need more than video conferencing capabilities. Your remote teams need the whole nine: content sharing, audio conferencing, messaging, calendar integration, etc. Working offsite can quickly become untenable for employees if collaboration and communication become at all inconvenient. Remove every hurdle you can with a cloud-based, versatile solution like Prime Call Cloud UC.

Pay Attention To What Really Matters

If your remote employees are finishing their work to your satisfaction, and doing so in a timely manner, there’s really no need for you to obsessively monitor the amount of time it takes them to do their work. Trust them to do the job you’ve asked them to do. The results are what matter.

Spark Team Spirit

Remote employees might seem to have it made--their schedules are flexible, they can wear their pajamas to work--but working off-site can be incredibly lonely. On-site employees feel like they are a part of something larger than themselves. There is a sense of collective effort. It can be difficult to access this feeling from a distance. Keep this in mind. Find ways to include your remote employees in informal morale-building activities. They are a part of your team. Make them feel like it.

Meet In Person

Including your employees in team-building exercises via video goes a long way toward making them feel indispensable. But the intimacy of an in-person meeting is something that can’t be simulated. Don’t count on your remote employees to take the initiative and get together on their own time. That’s just more work for them. Make them feel valued and seen by organizing special events for remote employees, and be sure to invite them to the office for informal gatherings with their on-site counterparts. Make them feel at home, even if they already work at home.

Explore remote team solutions like Prime Call Cloud UC and contact us if you have any questions about pricing and logistics. We will have one of our experts get back to you shortly. You can also sign up for a free trial of Prime Call Cloud UC if you’d like to take a test drive before committing. Looking for something else? Use our Advanced Search tool to find it.

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