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The jury’s still out on whether this is a good thing or not, but according to a recent study conducted by Upwork and Freelancers Union, freelancers will make up fifty percent of the U.S. workforce by 2027. Over thirty percent of the U.S. workforce is currently composed of freelancers, so this prediction doesn’t seem all that far-fetched. This isn’t to say the everyday contract employee is a thing of the past, but it is a sign that the workplace just isn’t what it used to be.

“The workforce is experiencing changes as never before, with economic transformation driven by new technologies and automation,” said Sara Horowitz, founder and executive director of Freelancers Union. “We must be prepared to face the challenges of the future, and build the organizations that will support the 21st century workforce.”

Much about the future is uncertain, but it’s pretty clear that work will be defined by dispersal and dynamism, and there are measures you can and should be taking to accommodate the ways work will change.

Flex Time

The traditional nine-to-five stretch just doesn’t cut it anymore. Flex time has caught on, and your employees don’t want to be chained to the old way of doing things. Don’t risk losing your best workers to companies who have already gotten with the program. By offering remote work opportunities and more flexible scheduling arrangements, you can go a long way toward retaining the talent of people who work better when they have a little freedom.

Video Solutions

Which brings us to the most important tool for a remote work force: video conferencing. With a mobile-friendly video conferencing and collaboration solution like Prime Call Cloud UC, your freelancers and full-time contract employees alike can connect and collaborate from anywhere at any time. Video conferencing solutions work for everyone: you can stay in frequent contact with your employees and manage them as you would on site, while your employees gain the space and freedom they need to be creative and productive. It’s a win-win.

Development And Learning

As the idea of “learning organizations” catches on, more and more employees will come to expect their employer to be invested enough in their futures to not only encourage but make space and time for ongoing training and development. This is not only about empowering your employees, although that is crucial. The more learning you and other businesses encourage, the more new and innovative ideas flow into both your organization and the marketplace at large.

Learn more about the future-friendly mobile solutions that can accommodate a rapidly changing workforce and please contact us with any questions you might have while exploring. We will have one of our experts get back to you as soon as possible. If there is anything else you’re looking for, use our Advanced Search tool to find it.


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